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Troubleshooting FAQ

In this section you will find help to the most common issues people have with our content. In addition below you will see your browser version information, and Javascript status.
Name Value
Browser Unknown
Resolution Unknown
JavaScript Disabled

Where can I get Java?
Do the games work with WebTV?
I am on AOL or Compuserve and am having problems getting the games to show up.
When I go to play the game, all I get is a large gray area.
When I go to play the game, all I get is a little image with three colored dots on a white rectangle.
My browser does this, that, or the other thing.
Why doesn't the game doesn't fit all on my screen?
How do I enable Javascript?

Q: Where can I get Java?
A: We have put together a list of sites where you may be able to downlaod Java. These sites are only for Windows and Mac users. All other users will need to consult with the documentation for their browser. The site is here.

Q: Do the games work with WebTV?
A: No, WebTV does NOT support Java.

Q: I am on AOL or Compuserve and am having problems getting the games to show up.
A: In additon to the other answers provided here, AOL and Compuserve users should disable graphics compression. The location of this varies from version to version, and you should consult AOL or Compuserve for how to do this.

Q: When I go to play the game, all I get is a large gray area.
A: This problem is typically caused by cache corruption, and occurs when the software has been updated. The typical solution to this problem is the following:
  1. Close all browsers
  2. Open Internet Explorer (NOT AOL's browser)
  3. Go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options
  4. In the window that displays, select Delete Files and confirm the selection when it asks
  5. Reboot your PC
  6. Try again. This works in most cases.


Q: When I go to play the game, all I get is a little image with three colored dots on a white rectangle.
A: This is typically caused by Java NOT being enabled in Internet Explorer. In order to enable Java, do the following in Internet Explorer:
  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options
  2. Select Security from the tabs accross the top, and the click on the Custom Level button.
  3. Find the Microsfot VM settings in the list, and set the Java permissions to 'High Safety'.
  4. Click OK on both windows.
  5. Reload the page.
  6. If the game appears, you are done.
  7. If not, go here and download Java.


Q: My browser does this, that, or the other thing.
A: The browsers the site is tested with are Internet Explorer (5, 5.5, 6), and Netscape (4.7, 6.x). Windows is the primary platform tested on. Unfortunatly, to this point I do not have access to Macs and so do not know what works best on them.

Q: Why doesn't the game doesn't fit all on my screen?
A: Care has been taken to make the game playable on all systems. Unfortunatly, the screen resolutions of yesteryear are difficult to work with. The website is designed with a resolution of 800x600 in mind. Fewer than 10% of users are still using 640x480. So in order to serve the majority better, some games will not fit well at 640x480. You can change your resolution though. On Windows, you can change resolutions by doing the following:
  1. From the Start Menu, select Settings, and open the Control Panel.
  2. Double-click on the Display icon
  3. Select the 'Settings' tab across the top of the window.
  4. You should see one area called 'Colors', this should be set to at least '16 bit' or 65 thousand colors.
  5. Next to 'Colors', there is an area called 'Screen Area', you should slide this till it reads at least '800 by 600 pixels'.
  6. Double check the settings. Some old cards do not have the capability of doing 800x600 at 16 bit, if they do not, you will see that the 'Colors' section has changed. If this is the case, simply hit 'Cancel'.
  7. If everything looks OK, click 'OK'
  8. Your resolution should then be changed.


Q: How do I enable Javascript?
A: In order to enable Javascript in Internet Explorer, do the following:
  1. Go to the Tools menu and select Internet Options
  2. Select Security from the tabs accross the top, and the click on the Custom Level button.
  3. Find the Scripting settings in the list, and set 'Active Scripting' to 'Enabled', also set 'Scripting of Java Applets' to enabled.
  4. Click OK on both windows.
  5. Reload the page.
  6. Javascript should then be enabled.


DISCLAIMER:The software provided on ALL these pages is provided as-is. No warranty is provided or implied. Use at your own risk.
Having problems? Visit our troubleshooting guide. Can't make out the colors, or hate the high scores? Change your preferences here. And finally... Questions or Comments? Contact us here
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